Over time, technology has evolved and changed the way that society works. While technology offers many advantages, it can also have its disadvantages. The benefits of technology are numerous, from improving lifestyles to assisting in education. Although technology is more precise, humans are still more accurate. It’s a win-win situation for both parties. The technology we use today has a major impact on our lives.

IT is an electronic and computer-based science that stores and transmits information. This method of sending and receiving information has had a major impact on our education. IT is more accessible and affordable, which has led to a more productive education. IT has transformed the way that people obtain their education. IT has changed the way people learn. These resources are available to us without the need to leave home or interact with anyone. This raises concerns about our future communication skills. We can still communicate using different platforms on social media. Karehka Ramiey stated that technology, such as radios and TVs, has helped us communicate better. This is because they have spread ideas and aided in the development of society. Television, for example, has enabled government broadcasts to address society’s concerns. The communication through television has been very successful because it enables the government to communicate with the citizens about any concerns that they have. Representatives of a country may use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to connect with a large number of people, either to solicit their support or to promote their campaign. Even though social media may not help us communicate with each other face to face, technology allows us still to be connected with the world around us. The internet has revolutionized the way people learn. We can now educate ourselves on our own using a wide range of networks. Artificial intelligence has advanced to the point that it is replacing humans and taking their jobs. In the debate Experts Debate: Will Computers Edge People Out of Entire Careers? David Kestenbaum stated that machines are replacing paid workers and stealing their jobs. While this is a positive thing because machines are more efficient, faster and cheaper than human workers, it does leave many people jobless. The loss of jobs can also leave people without income. This may lead them to be homeless, go hungry, or fall into poverty. AI could replace humans at the airport check-in counters. Technology not only takes away jobs normally performed by humans, but it also pollutes our air. Karehka Ramiey claimed that factories are producing and processing more goods because of the demand for advanced and new technology. As these factories produce new technologies, they emit many harmful gasses into the air. These gases contribute to global warming, one of our most serious problems. Every day, new technology is produced, and the production of factories increases as a result. Some companies produce green technology that helps eliminate air pollution. In many ways the technology has affected our world negatively, by causing people to lose their jobs and increasing pollution in the air that causes global warming. The technology has both its benefits and disadvantages.

Positive and negative changes have been made by technology. We now have access to a wide range of educational benefits. It allows people to learn in their comfort at home. It is a major devastation of the atmosphere, as it emits harmful gases. The technology we use can be both beneficial and harmful to the world. The technology world is ever-changing and evolving, so don’t be afraid to embrace its potential.


  • evelynnrobertson

    Evelynn Robertson is a 27-year-old blogger and volunteer. She is also a student. Evelynn is originally from the United States but is currently living in the United Kingdom. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Evelynn is passionate about education and is always looking for new ways to help others learn. She is also a big fan of travel and enjoys exploring new places.