Since the advent of the cell phone, many have questioned if its use can lead to addiction. Our lives are being taken over by technology every day. We do not realize the seriousness of this. Technology, such as our phones, computers, and tablets, has become more than just a tool. They are now something that we rely on. For many years, researchers have studied the effects of cell phones on our health. Cell phone addiction is not new, but its increasing prevalence and the impact it has on our health are the main issues.

Mobile phones. People use their phones every day, and they are essential for their lives. But is it an addiction to them? Is this technology also affecting communication between humans? Nomophobia is the new term for this. A phobia refers to an intense fear. “Nomophobia is an abbreviation of no-mobile-phone-phobia, which is also called cell phone addiction”. The fear of losing your phone is nomophobia. The symptoms of nomophobia include anxiety when losing your phone and checking emails, texts and calls constantly. It is also a way to avoid face-to face interaction. Cell phone addiction exists because of the way people are using them.

In the present day, over 5 billion people have mobile phones. Of these, about half are smartphones. Some studies found that “Fifty Eight Percent of Smartphone Users don’t Go More Than An Hour Without Checking Their Phones”. Most people would wake up in the morning and greet family members or head straight to the restroom. However, “eighty nine percent” of smartphone users reach for their phones as soon as they awake. They spend up to 30 minutes on their phones before getting up to start their morning routine. Some people even check the phone when they are aware that it isn’t actually ringing. Sixty-seven per cent of individuals find themselves in the same scenario. It is important to know when and where you should use your cellphone. Certain places can be very distracting, but people are still using their phones in those settings. Ninety percent of adults have used a cell phone during sexual activity. 34 percent used it in a theater. 55 percent used it while driving. This is dangerous and against the law. Cell phones are not the issue, but the behavior of the user and their obsessive use.

Addiction is the best way to describe a person’s obsession for technology. The phone gives people a unique feeling, almost like a home. Cell phones allow people to feel engaged, connected and accepted. It helps people to escape the monotony of everyday life. The same happy chemical that is released during sex, food, and drug use increases in the brain when the phone rings. Dr. Ashely Sens stated, “Too little screen time can prevent you from engaging with your friends and family as well as the world in general”. The use of cell phones can harm people, both mentally and physically. Cell phone use can lead to physical problems such as headaches, neck and eye pain. A 2014 study from Surgical Technology International found that looking down at a smartphone puts five times the pressure on your neck compared to not looking down. Not only can looking down at the screen cause accidents, but it also increases your risk of getting into a car accident. Overusing a cellphone can also cause obesity and sleep problems. Sens from Dignity Health believes that her young patients have trouble sleeping because they are constantly looking at their iPads or phones.

Someone is reaching for their cellphone in the middle the night. They say they’re just checking the clock. The night is still dark so they’ll go back to sleep. However, before they even realize it, their muscle memory takes control and they start checking emails, Facebook, texts, phone calls etc. They can’t control this habit. The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction’s Dr. David Greenfield estimates that the percentage of smartphone owners who are addicted would range between [ten to twelve ]%”,.

The addiction to cell phones is not a recognized diagnosis. However, it has the exact same effects as gambling. Cell phones are similar to mini-slot machines. The same as slot machines do, cellphones have a variable reward schedule. The “rewards” are random, and can be a call, a message, or even a notification on social media. Slot machines also have this reinforcement. Each “reward” releases dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine are hormones that regulate our mood. It is released when a person experiences pleasure and encourages them to engage in the enjoyable activity. Apps rely heavily on this urge to check their phones constantly. Apps that allow us to interact with social media, such as comments and likes, in an unpredictability pattern will make you check your phone more.

Two things are required to define an addiction. The addiction is defined as a condition where a substance abuse or dependency has become uncontrollable. Increased tolerance is one of the symptoms. For example, needing to spend more on a phone or using newer technology. Withdrawal is another. Feeling ill, anxious, or uneasy when not using their phone. Also moods. Phones can be used to alter moods or states of mind. As a result of constantly checking their phones, the stress level in a person’s mind and body will be elevated. The biggest symptom is lack of rest. Constantly checking a phone on or next to a pillow can disrupt a person’s sleep schedule. Melatonin is confused by the light of a phone at night. Sleeping disorders, such as insomnia, are caused by the inability to fall asleep.

Cell phones slowly alter the brains of people. It interferes with memory, concentration, and many other aspects. “There are indications that delegates thinking tasks to our gadgets could make our brains lazier and sicker. (Business Insider)”. The more people scroll and click on social networks, post and tap, the louder their brain signals get. Researchers have found that there can be a correlation between using smartphones and mental lazyness. The radiation from phones can get into the human body. The body can absorb some of the radiation’s energy. Scientists still haven’t proven that phone radiation is harmful. Since cell phones are now so ubiquitous in society, many people struggle to let go of their phone. You can break your cell phone addiction in many different ways. If you feel that your smartphone is taking over your life, then it’s time for a break. Smartphones are an important daily gadget, but they shouldn’t be something to which you become addicted.

It is possible to disable notifications by clicking on the “enable” button when you download an app. This will make it less distracting. Turn off all notifications, especially those from social media and games. That’s the root of wasting time on your smartphone. Customizing notifications reduces the amount of notifications, but some still require attention. The next step is to remove badges. Badges, the red circles with numbers on them that show how many notifications someone has missed, are a great way to draw attention. Use badges for important notifications like missed calls, emails or texts.

It is also possible to find out which of your apps are harmful or healthy. It’s not mandatory to use an app when the relationship is healthy. The app will be used when needed and they won’t even think about using it. A toxic app relationship can be detrimental to one’s well-being. These apps offer little or no benefit. Apps that are good for you include banking, calendar, calculator. Social media apps as well as free games apps are considered unhealthy apps. It’s important to focus on the healthier apps and de-emphasize the unhealthy ones.

It can be helpful to keep your phone at a distance from you when sleeping. If you are addicted to cell phones, it can make it difficult for you to sleep. So when charging your phone at night try and charge as far away from yourself as possible. “U.S. Teenagers are giving up sleep to watch television. New research confirms this. The study analyzed survey responses from hundreds of thousand of teenagers. They showed that teens are spending more time on screens and losing sleep. If you want to improve your sleep and health, move the cell phone away from your teen.

Last but not least, you should find a new hobby. It is possible to make someone’s day more positive and productive when they keep themselves busy or are having fun. It’s amazing how much people miss by not paying attention to their phone. Spending time on your phone is a waste of time that could be used for something else. Find a new hobby if you don’t currently have one. It does not have to be something fun, but something that keeps you busy and is beneficial like cleaning or doing homework.

Although smartphones have positive and negative influences, they are changing the way we live our lives and making it harder to maintain a normal social life. Smartphones have a variety of effects on the individual and this will continue with their increasing capabilities. The addiction to cell phones is increasing, and people feel more trapped. If we all tried, as a community, we could stop these bad habits. It wasn’t that long ago when we didn’t care about any of the technology, whether it was reaching the top level in candy crush or how many likes you got on your latest picture. The people could return to a time when they lived without any nomophobia. It is enough to recognize the obsession and take all steps necessary to overcome.


  • evelynnrobertson

    Evelynn Robertson is a 27-year-old blogger and volunteer. She is also a student. Evelynn is originally from the United States but is currently living in the United Kingdom. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Evelynn is passionate about education and is always looking for new ways to help others learn. She is also a big fan of travel and enjoys exploring new places.