Technology. It is useful but dangerous. People have said we don’t use technology anymore, but live it. Technology allows millions of users to share with the world their everyday lives. Since a long time, technology has played a role in human life. It is used for entertainment, to get information, or to complete tasks. Our children are exposed to the latest technology at a young age. The world is accessible to young and impressionable kids through devices and television.

It is true that technology offers many benefits. But, when children are not supervised, they can pose a risk. When technology is used without supervision, it can be detrimental to children. The effects of technology on children’s social development, mental health and their overall wellbeing have been proven by extensive research. Children can be affected by technology in other ways, including obesity. Unmonitored technology use can cause children to lose focus on their studies.

The technology can have a negative impact on a child’s social and mental development. Eccles, psychologist, stated that children are most impressionable between the ages of 6 and 14. This is the time when children are beginning to develop an individuality. These days, children of these ages are “glued’ to their smartphones, televisions, or videogames. Hatch (2011) is a professor who believes that children need human interaction to develop properly. The young children need to be physically active and have human contact for between 3 and 4 hours per day. According to Dr. Ashley Montagu infants who do not receive this level of interaction will become agitated and anxious.

Since the era technology, children are less likely to interact with others. Kupfer (1995), professor, says that technology addiction can lead social isolation. This is characterized by an absence of contact with people in daily life. The Kaiser Foundation carried out a study in 2010 to determine how youths aged 8 to 18 used media. According to the Kaiser Foundation, children used electronic media for 6 hours 37 minutes in 2010. Technological advancements have increased the amount of time since 2010. According to a student from Oakland University, excessive use of tech can cause neurosis. This is a nonorganic mental disorder that causes stress as well as the inability for you to relax.

According to the British Columbia Society of Occupational Therapists (BCSOT), increased sensory use is limiting children’s motor and sensory development, making it harder to acquire basic literacy skills. Children can become aggressive and disconnected when technology is used to replace human interaction. Children who use technology more often are at a higher risk of developing social disorders.

Cyberbullying can also occur when children are allowed to use social media unsupervised. Often, children and teens will send embarrassing or inappropriate photos to others on Facebook or other social media apps. It is possible that a child will be bullied by others online. Cyberbullying has been linked to depression and anxiety. It can even lead to suicide. Amanda Todd (15 years old) committed suicide due to being a cyberbullied victim in 2012. To avoid social disorders, mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, parents need to limit their child’s technology usage.

Second, technology has a direct impact on the physical health of children. Obesity and other conditions can be caused by excessive sedentary behavior. Children who use technology excessively can have health problems. The fact that children are able to be entertained indoors (by playing videogames, watching television and surfing the Internet) means they do less outdoor activity.

Enjoy sports and games with your friends. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures, 18.5% of children and teens are obese. In the last 20 years, obesity rates in children have tripled. Additionally, the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) and National Institutes of Health stated that “Randomized Controlled Trials of Reducing Screen Time in Community Settings have Reduced Weight Gain in Children, Demonstrating a Cause and Effect Relationship.” They also said that statistics suggested that screen media exposes kids and teenagers to obesity because of increased food consumption while watching or advertising high-calorie foods.

Children can also develop eye problems from constantly staring at the screen of their devices. Individuals are encouraged to look away every 20 minute for 20 second intervals. It is possible to avoid these problems if the child’s use of technology is restricted and monitored.

Unmonitored usage of technology may also cause children to lose focus on their studies. Adults are distracted by their smartphones and social media in the classroom and at work. The temptation persists despite employers and lecturers implementing a phone policy which prohibits their use. It is hard to imagine that kids would be tempted by the same technology as adults. Alghamdi (2017) states, “Studies conducted on 1,000 students in ten different countries such as China, Chile, U.K. or Uganda found that they were unable, even after 24 hours, to stop using technology devices.” According to the study, students reported feeling frustrated, anxious, and heart palpitations.

While they should be studying or doing their homework, kids are tempted to use social media or watch TV. Sometimes, children use their gadgets in class. It can stop a child learning. Instead of focusing, students check their social media and messages. Using technology without guarding it can cause a child to be distracted.

Unmonitored technology use can have negative effects on children. The technology should enhance our lives, not take over. The use of technology can have a negative impact on a child’s mental and social health. Children can be affected by technology in other ways, including obesity. Unmonitored tech use can keep children away from school. If technology is used excessively, it can pose a risk to children. Due to technology, children have less contact with their peers and spend less time outdoors. Although technology can have many positive effects, excessive use of it can be harmful.


  • evelynnrobertson

    Evelynn Robertson is a 27-year-old blogger and volunteer. She is also a student. Evelynn is originally from the United States but is currently living in the United Kingdom. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Evelynn is passionate about education and is always looking for new ways to help others learn. She is also a big fan of travel and enjoys exploring new places.