When first created, cell phones allowed users to communicate with others who also owned a phone. Since their inception, cell phone technology has advanced to the extent that they can be easily carried around and fit into any purse or pocket. Addiction to cell phones has become a global problem, and the problem is only growing as technology advances. People have even died from cell phone addiction, or for not paying attention.

Selfies have become a huge phenomenon in the last few years. Selfies, or front-facing photos taken on your smartphone’s camera, have become a popular trend. Selfies are often taken to absurd lengths by people who want to look funny. People have reported multiple instances of people dying while taking selfies. Cailey Rizo reported that 12 people have died after taking selfies between January and September 2015. Shark attacks have killed eight people. The danger of this phenomenon is increasing, and it will likely continue to increase. Companies and organizations have taken steps to avoid these accidents. Disney has banned selfie sticks in their parks, to ensure that these devices don’t cause any accidents or injuries. The simple measures that Disney has taken can lead to a reduction in the number or fatalities due to something so easy.

Cell phones play a large role in the fact that many young adults either don’t perform their duties properly or they ignore them entirely. The phones of many young workers are a problem in workplaces where they are hired. The many uses of a mobile phone make it easy for teenagers to neglect their responsibilities. They will play on their phones the entire day. This is a major factor in reducing the productivity of many businesses. McDonald’s and Burger King could suffer if some teenage employees use their phones instead of doing their job. Adults who run the businesses can get a bad image of teens and suffer the consequences. It is difficult for teens to shake off these opinions. Adults may not see them as adults. If teens would just follow the rules by not using their phones, it could be an easy solution.

Social media websites are one of those things that can take up a lot of time. Facebook and Twitter can be accessed whenever you want with your smart phone. The sites are very addictive, they’re great for connecting, but can also lead people to fights and cause problems. Many people post whatever they think is appropriate on the web without even thinking about it. This can lead to a number of issues, since what you are saying may make someone angry or offended. This can lead to many arguments both online as well as offline. Because cyber bullying and physical harassment can trigger negative and violent feelings, it can be a major cause of conflict. Many people are involved in physical fights at school and work due to a Twitter dispute that turned nasty. You can also easily create a large number of accounts, or get your friends to attack you. This may not happen to everyone but those who spend a great deal of time on social networking sites are likely to be bombarded with negative emotions. Social media users who are very serious about their use of the site have been known to become depressed or even commit suicide. Many people believe that their negative comments are protected by a screen. This is a sad truth, but it’s a reality.

Cell phone addiction is almost impossible to avoid with how sophisticated they are. It has reached a ridiculous point for many people. A person has many ways to harm themselves or other people. This is why there needs to be some kind of monitoring and moderation. It would be ideal if people could acknowledge their addiction and overcome it. Sadly, people will always want to have their phone nearby and feel uncomfortable when it isn’t. It is therefore the owner’s responsibility to use the phone in a proper manner and to be able to function without it.


  • evelynnrobertson

    Evelynn Robertson is a 27-year-old blogger and volunteer. She is also a student. Evelynn is originally from the United States but is currently living in the United Kingdom. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Evelynn is passionate about education and is always looking for new ways to help others learn. She is also a big fan of travel and enjoys exploring new places.